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Recordings of Cortical Connections 2021

Recordings of Cortical Connections 2021

Visit the IRC5 website to access recorded presentations and discussions with world experts on ACC. Cortical Connections 2021, the scientific meeting and conference hosted by the International Research Consortium for the Corpus Callosum and Cerebral Connectivity, was...

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Enroll in ACC Studies

Enroll in ACC Studies

Enrollment is open for the ACC Infant and Child Studies. Parents of children with ACC are welcome to enroll in our online studies. The ACC Infant Study is open to children under 12 months of age and all other children (under 18 years) can enroll in the ACC Child...

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NIH Grant for ACC Infant Study

NIH awards grant to Caltech and University of Minnesota The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has awarded a 5-year grant to study longitudinal development in infants and toddlers with agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC)....

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